1. Describe a simple definition of accounting! Answer :  Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a bu...


1. Describe a simple definition of accounting!
Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to eversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities.

2. Explain the role of accounting standards!
1. Bringing the uniformity in accounting methods
Accounting standards are required to bring uniformity in accounting methods by proposing treatments to the accounting issue. For example, AS-6(revised) states the methods for depreciation accounting.
2. Improving the reliability of the financial statements
Accounting is the language of the business. There are many users of the information provided by accountants who take various decisions relating to their filed just on the basis of information contained in financial statements should show true and fair view of the business concern. Accounting standards when used give a sense of faith and reliability to various users.
3. Simplify the accounting information
Accounting standards prevent the users from reaching any misleading conclusions and make the financial data simpler for everyone. For example, accounting standards- 3 (Revised) clearly classifies the flows of cash in terms of operating activities, investing activities and financing activities.
4. Prevent frauds and manipulations
Accounting standards prevent manipulations of data by the management and others. By codifying the accounting methods, frauds and manipulations can be minimized.
5. Helps auditors
Accounting standards lay down the terms and conditions for accounting policies and practices by way of codes, guidelines and adjustment for making and interpreting the items appearing in the financial statements. Thus, these terms, policies and guidelines, etc. become the basis for auditing the books of accounts.

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Hi... the campus was closed because of the covid 19 virus which is increasingly spreading.  and of course it is very dangerous for eve...

Task 3 Video Call with friend


the campus was closed because of the covid 19 virus which is increasingly spreading.  and of course it is very dangerous for everyone.  and that caused me and my friend to separate back home, and now I want to contact one of my friends to complete the assignment given by an English lecturer... and here my video call record, we discuss about virus covid 19

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TASK 8 Someone who lives in another country for tax reasons =   TAX EXILE To introduce a new tax on something                  ...

TASK 8 & 9


Someone who lives in another country for tax reasons =  TAX EXILE

To introduce a new tax on something                            =  TO IMPOSE TAX

To make the tax go up                                                    =  TO INCREASE TAX

When you dont have to pay tax on certain income        =  TAX EXEMPT

To cancel a tax                                                                =  TO TAX ABOLISH

Tells you what amount of tax to pay based on income   = TAX BRACKET

 Trying not to pay tax (legal)                                           = TAX AVOIDANCE

Trying not to pay tax (illegal)                                         = TAX EVASION


1. Seseorang yang tinggal di negara lain karena alasan pajak = PAJAK ASING

2. Untuk memperkenalkan pajak baru pada sesuatu = MENERIMA PAJAK

3. Untuk membuat pajak naik = UNTUK MENAIKAN PAJAK

4. Ketika Anda tidak perlu membayar pajak atas penghasilan tertentu = BEBAS PAJAK

5. Untuk membatalkan pajak = PEMBATALAN PAJAK

6. Memberitahu Anda berapa jumlah pajak yang harus dibayar berdasarkan pendapatan = PAJAK TERTINGGI

7. Mencoba tidak membayar pajak (legal) = PEMBATALAN PAJAK

8. Mencoba tidak membayar pajak (ilegal) =  MENGIHNDARI PAJAK


1.       The goverment needs more money, so it is planning to increase taxes.

2.       He earns a lot of money – he must be in the highest tax bracket  
3.       She lives there because she has to – she a tax exempt       

4.       They are planning to abolish the tax on large company cars, and replace it with a tax on all company cars.

5.       She is student, so she is tax exile

6.       The goverment is planning to introduce new tax breaks for IT companies.

7.       Dont buy a house this year – the property taxes are being abolished next march

8.       A tax return is the same as tax declaration – its a list of income  anda deductible expenditure for the tax authority


1. Pemerintah membutuhkan lebih banyak uang, sehingga berencana untuk menaikkan pajak.

2. Ia mendapat banyak uang - ia harus berada di golongan pajak tertinggi

3. Dia tinggal disana karena dia harus, dia kena pengasingan pajak

4. Mereka berencana menghapuskan pajak pada mobil perusahaan besar, dan menggantinya dengan pajak pada semua mobil perusahaan.

5. Dia adalah seorang pelajar, jadi dia bebas pajak

6. Pemerintah berencana untuk memperkenalkan keringanan pajak baru untuk perusahaan IT.

7. Jangan membeli rumah tahun ini - pajak properti sedang dihapus Maret depan

8. Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak sama dengan deklarasi pajak - ini adalah daftar pengeluaran Anda yang dapat dikurangkan dari pajak untuk otoritas pajak



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Here are some jobs and definitations. fill in th gaps in the dfinitions with words from the box below: specializing studying fo...


Here are some jobs and definitations. fill in th gaps in the dfinitions with words from the box below:

  • specializing
  • studying
  • for inspcting its accounts
  • processing the records
  • giving administrative support
  • to inspect its accounts
  1. Trainee Accountants
    Accountants who are studying  for profssional xaminations
  2. Bookkeper
    Administrative staff responsible for processing the record of a business's financial activities
  3. Tax AccountantAn accountant specializing in company's tax affairs
  4. Back Office ManagerPerson in charge of the staff responsible of giving administrativ support to the financ departement
  5. Internal AuditiorsEmployees of a company who are responsible to inspect its a accounts
  6. External AuditiorsPeople employed by an outside firm of accountants and hired by a company for inpecting its account

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